Monday, March 28, 2011

Snow getaway

I can't complain about living in good ol' sunny San Diego, but because the weather has been rainy lately, it was nice to getaway and go to the snow for the weekend. It was a last minute decision which landed us all packed and driving to Lake Arrowhead. As we drove up the mountain it became a complete white out from the fog and although very scary and dangerous, I was seeing the beauty in nature and how all the elements allowed for some spectacular photos.

From afar it looks like a typical snowy day in any snowy area, BUT close up!!! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The snow was being windblown and freezing on the branches. It was truly incredible! Can you tell I don't see snow much?!?!??!! I was honestly amazed!

and zoomed...

After I got my fix of photos, we took Aidan out for some sledding fun!

See him on the sled? 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Blogging Inspiration

For quite some time now I have been following blogs, wanting to write my own, but have been very intimidated. It is like having your journal being read by the world, but... what a great way to connect with people alike. I have realized by following certain blogs that real friendships are born, mentorships are formed, and people are inspiring!!!!

This leads me to Blog Sugar! While surfing blogs I came across this event... AND the best part... it is in Southern California, just north of me!! Of course I want to go, of course I would love to meet all the ladies behind all of these wonderful blogs, BUT am I ready to put myself out there, am I ready to just go for it?? and the answer is YES.

Blog Sugar was created to get fellow bloggers together to talk blogs and has evolved into an event for all bloggers {veterans and newbies {me}}, to talk blogs, talk social media, and discuss their passions for blogging.

I bought my ticket today!


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