On June 28th, Aidan turned 9 months... boy oh boy have the months flown by. I feel like just yesterday I was swaddling him, waking up 3 to 4 times a night, making sure he was eating, sleeping, playing, having tummy time, etc... training him to become a 'good ole' human being. But at 9 months things have completely changed... so here is Aidan in a nutshell..
- Two bottom teeth
- Two ear infections
- Loves to eat: whole grain banana puffs, baby cheese puffs (just like grandpa Frank), chunks of banana, peaches, zucchini, beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, and of course all of the mixtures of baby jarred food
- Loves taking baths
- Sits perfectly on his own and plays with toys
- Loves to be held
- Enjoys peek-a-boo
- Babbles da da and all sorts of sounds/syllables
- Thankfully for mommy and daddy Aidan is completely weaned from his bedtime bottle and goes to sleep perfectly on his own (definitely needs a blankie with silk edges)
- Hates tummy time and needless to say isn't crawling yet
- Starting to get restless when changing his diaper
- Hates to be idle and MUST change activities frequently
Thank you Aidan for entering our lives. You are a constant reminder of how precious love is and how thankful we are of each other, our families, and our friends. You have enriched us so and we hope to return the favor and raise you to the best of our abilities full of love, laughter, knowledge, and fun...
xoxo, mom & dad
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