Wednesday, May 5, 2010

did you ever think

WEEDS could be so beautiful...

my cell phone doesn't do justice, but you get my idea.

right now...

my favorite sound is when Aidan blows on his food even when the food is cold ;o) i can be in the kitchen and hear him blowing!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


where does the time go? 18 months really? just a short time ago i was holding you, rocking you, feeding you. today you are your own little person, with your own will, your own curiosities, your own little know-hows, your own language, your own ways. in just 18 short months you have turned into a toddler.

at 18 months i am surprised everyday with the little things you do, making me realize that you truly are a sponge and that daddy and i are truly your examples. at 18 months i love that you....

are a GREAT sleeper, you go down so peacefully for naps and bedtime
love your blankie with silk edges
are such a cuddle bug
knock on doors
help me in the kitchen closing the refrigerator and all the cabinets
help me with laundry pulling all the clothes out of the basket for me
smile big when i ask if you want to go for a ride
bring me your shoes when you want to go outside
play so contently in the bath
give kissies
recognize songs on the radio
eat yogurt all by yourself and make a huge mess
smile big showing all your teeth

life is full, life is love!!!

love, mom


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